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Something you might like to know... around you, about me...

06 April 2005


Visa card has a couple of features that other credit cards won't have.

It has 16 digits as its card number started by 4.

It has a peaceful pigeon picture symbol on the right hand side lower part of the plastic card, which could be seen flying wings if you move the card forward and backward.

Normally, the first 4 digits would be reprinted in black color on the card, just below the original card numbers. This is for security reasons, to anti making fraud card.

It has a forward lean "V" (stands for visa) at the bottom of card, nearly the middle but a bit right hand side.

Cards start on 03/04 and ends on 05/06 mean it starts on first of march , year 04 and will expire on last day of may, year 2006.

Turn your card, you will find a black magenetic strip. All of your personal information related to this card is stored there.

On the signature strip, there are normally now 7 digits. The first four is the same as your last four digits of your card number. But the last three is security code which is widely required when you do internet shopping or telephone shopping, just to make sure that the card is with you.(you are the card holder) Since, you may just get someone's card number from a shop receipt and use it for shopping online. But, then, there is no way for you to get to know the 3 digits security code.

Many countries started to use chip and pin which may make the card transaction more secure. But, what if someone, by some chance, get to know your pin and stole your card to use? Maybe the chance is just too slim.

Do remmber, sign your card as soon as you get it. Never let anybody know your pin. (Maybe you have to let your wife know.)


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