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21 May 2005

How to drive safely

Safe drive should include the followings:
Be patient.
Be slow, don't speed. In england, it is called Kill Your Speed. One of my American friend has laughed this expression.
Think about others.

Don't be lazy, change gear frequently when necessary.
Don't drive when you are very tired.
Don't drive when the visibility isn't good, if possible.
Don't drive when it rains too heavily or it is too cold or it is snowy, if possible.
Never take chance.

Before driving a long distance, make sure that you had a nice sleep, and always rest yourself well.
Have a couple of breaks in between.
Make sure that you know the route well, by reading the maps or getting a direction director.(Not read the map during driving!)

Remmber, speed limit isn't the speed that we must drive at or over. It is the maximum speed we are allowed to drive at.

Think about yourself, the one you love, and others. Drive safely.

Try to use public transportation to protect our enviroment!

Best to you all.


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