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13 June 2005

Please recycle plastics

On average, it takes 400 years for plastics to degrade completely.

And, it is estimated that about 100 million tons of plastics are produced yearly.
So, what?
So, it means that we need to have a space with a capacity of storing 400 * 100 million tons (= 40 billion tons = 40 000 000 000 000 KG) plastics before they totally start to degrade and then to have our life unaffected by using plastics daily and yearly... Or, maybe one day, when you get up, you will find yourself fully surrounded by used plastics... No where to escape, no where to enjoy your life, not able to breath norally... would you like it? Probably not, so, please recycle.

On average, each european throws away 36KG plastics each year,
4% of the oil consumption in the Europe is for making plastics,
42% of the plastics are consumed in packaging, but very little was recycled,

I didn't make up these figures, pls click, here to read more information...


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