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28 June 2005

where should I go and what should I do?

I am confused by life now, I am not clear where to go and what to do?
It seems people around me all have their lives, their jobs, their joy and their goals for life. I don't.

I am lost, like a child in a desert, totally lost. But a child in a desert knows where he needs to go, and what he needs to get. He needs to get out of there, he needs some food, some water and some directions. I don't.

If I need to do business, I don't know where to set my hands from; If I need to work, I don't know what sort of job suits me, how can I do it well. Without a goal, where am I aiming myself to...

It seems I am lazy and slow now, lost from the active, joyful and clever me back to years ago.

Time flies. Wrinkles start drawing on my face, clever you, will you be able to tell me where the time flies to? Clever you, will you be able to guide me a bit?


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